If you receive this message after you completed the Proposal Certification questions and saved your answers, you may have a potential conflict and will need to submit a full Proposal Disclosure.

Click OK to immediately proceed to the COI Module to prepare your full disclosure. The system will navigate you to Step One, your Screening Questions page.

- Click Continue
- However, if you believe you answered one of the COI screening questions erroneously and you want to edit your responses, you will need to navigate back to the proposal. You may do this by following the link in the Notification you received to complete proposal certifications. Once back on the Proposal Certification Questions screen you may modify answers to any question and “Certify Answers” again.
If you want to opt to prepare your disclosure at a later time, Select Cancel when presented with system message above:
- Your Proposal Certification is complete, but your Full Proposal Disclosure is In-Progress. (See instructions for completing your proposal disclosure in a later section). You may do one of the following:
- Logout – click the Close button at the bottom of the screen
- Go to the My COI Module.
- Navigate to another Kuali Coeus module by clicking on Home in the masthead and choosing another module from those listed.
A proposal that requires a full COI Disclosure cannot be submitted for approval routing until you complete and submit the proposal disclosure.