All Investigators and NIH Key Study Persons named on a proposal must complete proposal Certification, which includes COI Screening Questions, before the proposal may be submitted to route for approval.
- You will receive an email notification with the Subject “Please Certify this Proposal.” The notification is triggered during proposal development in Coeus by the proposal Aggregator.
- The email contains basic information such as PI, Lead Unit, Proposal Number, Sponsor, Deadline Date, and Title. It also contains a direct link to Certify and view proposal details.
- Click the link to go directly to the CoeusLite Certification screen.

Clicking on the link will launch your default web browser and take you to the Certification page for the specific proposal. You will be authenticated with MIT Certificates. Based on your project role, the following Certification will be presented:
- PI Proposal Certification Questions (includes three COI Screening Questions).
- Co-I Proposal Certification Questions (includes three COI Screening Questions).
- Key Person COI Screening Questions (limited to three COI Screening Questions).
- Review the proposal information at the top of the screen, including the PI Name, Sponsor, Title, Deadline Date and Proposal Number.
- Select the Yes, No, or N/A radio buttons to indicate your response for each of the Certification questions which support Institutional requirements for your proposal submission. For more information on a specific question, click the i link to the right of the question. You must select a response for each question listed.
- Questions 10 – 12 in the PI and Co-I Certification are Conflict of Interest (COI) Screening Questions. These same questions appear for Key Persons as Questions 1 – 3. Carefully read and respond to each question.
- Once saved, your user ID and a timestamp will be added to the Certification Questionnaire header: